2010年9月28日 星期二

20100928 Confucius His Wisdom Lives On (2)

Confucius: His Wisdom Lives On

Confucius married when he was 19, had a son and two daughters, and continued working assorted jobs, including several in his local government. Around the age of 30, Confucius began his teaching career, sometimes traveling from town to town while teaching a group of students who accompanied him. As a result, it didn't take long for his principles to spread and for others to begin recognizing him for the wise sage that he was.

Times of chaos and wandering
Confucius became increasingly distressed by the political corruption and disorder in society, so he decided to get involved in politics, hoping to make a difference. He secured a position as the Minister of Justice in Lu, but after realizing that his policies and ideas weren't being accepted, he left the post disheartened.

The philosopher truly believed that society and governments would improve if they would follow the great moral teachings of the past. So, in 496 B.C. Confucius began a period of wandering in search of a ruler who would adopt his ethical teachings. For the next 12 years, Confucius and a growing group of disciples traveled from town to town advising rulers and local officials.

assorted jobs
=> a variety of jobs

=> a very wise man

he left the post disheartened
=> he left the position.

dishearten adj. 沮喪的/灰心的
=> lose heart/passion to do something

chaos 混亂/雜亂無章

eg: The typhoon caused chaos in the flooded area.
=> 颱風在淹水的地方引起了混亂
eg: The whole nation was in chaos after the earthquake.
=> 地震之後,整個國家陷入了混亂
eg: The office has been in absolute chaos since the manager suddenly quit.
=> 經理突然辭職後,辦公室陷入完全混亂中

corrupt v. 腐敗
corruption n. 腐敗/貪污/腐化
eg: The mayor now faces several corruption charges.
=> 市長現在面臨好幾件貪汙案的指控
eg: The government took strong measures against corruption.
=> 政府採取強烈的手段來對付貪汙

ethical adj. 道德的/倫理的
=> refer to moral
eg: The society's ethical standards should be respected by all.
=> 社會的道德標準應該要被所有的人尊重

unethical adj. 不道德的
eg: It's unethical for doctors to discuss their patients' condition in public.
=> 醫生在公共場合談論自己病患的病情是不道德的

//== Chat room ==//

wise sage-有智慧的/博學的賢人
wise man 智者
wise guy
=> 不是"聰明的人"而是指"自作聰明的人"

smart adj. 聰明的
smart aleck 自作聰明驕傲自大的人
=> 不是"聰明的人" 的意思,乃指"自作聰明的人"

"wise guy" or " smart aleck" 這兩种人都是令人討厭的人

//== Grammar Tips ==//

As a result, it didn't take long for his principles to spread and for others to begin recognizing him for the wise sage that he was.

it didn't take long
=> it didn't take a long time
=> quickly
=> soon

eg: Frank finished his essay quickly.
=> It didn't take long for frank to finish his essay.
eg: Joyce soon grew tired of eating the same things every day.
=> It didn't take long for Joyce to grow tired of eating the same things every day.

