2010年9月13日 星期一

20100913 Fall Into Fashion (1)

Fall Into Fashion
Find out what fall fashion has to offer

A new decade often brings new fashion trends. In the 1970s, people preferred bell-bottoms and platform shoes, and in the 1980s, they gravitated toward big shoulder pads and miniskirts. Flannel shirts ruled in the 1990s, and the new century brought with it feminine dresses and skinny jeans. With 2010 kicking off a new decade, fashion lovers can anticipate plenty of new trends. This fall, some of those trends are already emerging.

But who determines what will be in fashion? It all begins with people in the fashion industry, who first consider what interests consumers. By paying attention to current social trends, fashion industry experts make predictions about upcoming trends in color, design and fabric. These predictions then end up in the hands of fashion designers, who create looks based on these ideas.
Finally, these looks come to life on the runway. Fashion shows in New York, London, Milan and Paris excite fashion fans around the world. Eventually, runway trends end up in local malls and shops, ready to be purchased by the general public.

garv- 重
gravity n. 地心引力
gravitate v. 受吸引而轉向/受重力吸引而移動
gravitate to/toward 受重力吸引而轉向..
eg: The crowd gravitates toward the plaza to watch the performance.
=> 人群被吸引轉向到廣場去觀賞表演。
eg: Sean always gravitates toward older kids in his school.
= Sean總是喜歡跟學校中年紀比較大的孩子在一起。

predict v. 預測/預言
prediction n. 預測/預言
eg: Economists made the prediction that inflation rates would soar this year.
=> 經學家預測今年的通貨膨脹率會飛快地升高。
eg: The man's prediction of the end of the world caused people to panic.
=> 這個人有關世界末日的預言造成人?人心惶惶。

come to life 活要起來/甦醒起來
=> become alive
eg: The characters from the novel came to life in the movie version.
=> 小?中的人物在電影版中活生生地呈現出來。
eg: The game came to life when the coach replaced the quarterback.
=> 教練換了四分衛後球賽就起死回生了。

=> step into

=> at the top of the ranking

flannel n. 法蘭絨; 棉絨

consumer n. 消費者

fabric n. 織物/織品/布料

//== Chat room ==//

new fashion trends

set the trend 創立新款式

trendsetter n. 領先流行的人

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

In the 1970s, people preferred bell-bottoms and platform shoes, and in the 1980s, they gravitated toward big shoulder pads and miniskirts.
Flannel shirts ruled in the 1990s, and the new century brought with it feminine dresses and skinny jeans.

this style was popular
this period was famous for…

to dominate
eg: Environmental awareness will dominate this year's trends.
to lead
eg: This year's fashion is led by Asian styles.

to favor
eg: Teenagers tend to favor this style.
to attract
eg: Women are attracted to this mode of accessories.

follow the trend 跟隨著趨勢

trendy adj. 時髦的/時尚的

