2009年4月21日 星期二

20090421 -- Independet Children (2)

Conversation A

Jack: Hi, Laura, did you heart that Sam is going to Africa?
Laura: Really? Is he going on vacation with his family?
Jacl: No, he's going with his church young group. They're going to help build houses for poor families in rural villages.
Laura: But he's only 13 years old!
Jack: That doesn't matter. It's acceptable for young teens to travel far from home without their parents.
Laura: That's true. I know the high school Spanish Clus is taking a trip to Peru in the summer.
Jack: That's sounds like fun!

Conversation B

Laura: How's your niece Sylvia doing?
Jack: Great! She started her own business.
Laura: I know, but she's very resourceful. She loves dogs, so she started a dog-walking business. She advertised on the Internet and put up signs around town.
Laura: Did she get a lot of clients?
Jack: She did. She walks eight dogs at noon every day.
Laura: At the same time?
Jack: Yes! You should see her! And she's making some money -- she charges $25 an hour.
Laura: Hmmm ... maybe I should change jobs!

acceptable adj. 可以接受的
eg: Wearing shorts to school in winter is not acceptable.
eg: We need to find a way to cooperate that is acceptable for both parties.
eg: This kind of attitude is absolutely not acceptable in my class.

unacceptable adj. 不可接受的
eg: This kind of working enviroment is unacceptable.

resourceful adj. 富於機智的
-> thinking quickly
eg: Mark can help us find the supplies for this project. He's very resourceful.
eg: As the manager of a five-star hotel, Hank has to be very resourceful.
eg: This resourceful reporter got an exclusive interview with the movie star.

advertise v. 登廣告
eg: Tom advertise his lawn care service on the Internet.
eg: The company advertised their new product on TV.

advertise v. 廣為宣傳
eg: Please don't advertise that Gina got fired.

advertisement n. 廣告
eg: a newspaper advertisement

client n. 客戶
-> custom
eg: Many clients appreciate the lawyer's help and wise advice.

nephew 姪兒/外甥
niece 姪女/外甥女

walk dogs
dog-walking business

//== Chat room ==//

volunteer 志願者/義工
volunteered for the job
philanthropists 慈善家
phil 愛
anthrop 人類
charity 慈善機構
-> organization that offer help for those who are poor or in need.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

You should see someone or something.
-> tell the listener something is funny!

eg: You should see her!

You should go see her!
eg: Tim is in the hospital; you should go see him.

should have seen
-> one time situation that has happened

eg: You should have seen Harold playing a joke on Samuel today; it was so funny!
eg: It was amazing to see the kitten play with the dog; you should have seen them running around together!

