2009年4月6日 星期一


Robert Perry and the North Pole

One man's journey to the far north

On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole, having crossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice. Robert Peary, Matthew Henson and thier guides stood on one of the last adventure destinations of the early 1900s. The race to reach that spot had already killed hundreds of other adventurers. But this was not the first time Peary had tried to reach the pole. Before 1909, Peary had made six other attempts to travel to the North Pole. However, he had failed every time. Once, he nearly died when the ice below him began to melt. On another journey, Peary lost eight toes to frostbite. This time, Peary planned more carefully, sending teams ahead of him to make camps. In this way, he was able to save energy and travel quickly. When Peary finally arrived at the pole, he spent just 30 hours there, making scientific observations.
The journey to the North Pole was both difficult and dangerous. But with great courage and careful planning. Peary was finally able to succeed.

crack v. 裂開
eg: The old window was cracking in several places.
eg: The windshield cracked as the car bumped into the fence.
eg: The wall cracked due to the earthquake.

crack n. 裂縫/裂痕
eg: The crack on the diamond's surface is almost invisible.

shift v.
eg: Tony had trouble standing on the shifting deck of the boat.

attemp n. 企圖/嘗試
attemp at something
make an attempt to do something
eg: The little boy made three attempts at riding a bicycle before he
finally succeeded.
eg: This is her second attempt at the driving test.
eg: The swimming team's attemp to swim across the English
channel(英倫海峽) became national news.

obserbations n.
eg: As Blake explored the area, he made many observations about the geography.

frostbite v. 凍傷/凍瘡
frostbitten adj. 凍傷的
frost 結霜
eg: The surviors were suffering from severe frosbite when they were rescued.
eg: frostbitten fingers

//== Chat room ==//
North Pole
poles apart 天南地北
-> to describe completely different persons or things
eg: My brother and I are poles apart in personality.
= My brother and I are completely obs???
eg: Our politics views are poles apart.

polarize v. 兩極化的
eg: The issue has polarized the town's people.

totem pole 圖騰柱

low man on the totem pole 身分最低/最不重要的人
-> refers to someone low-end rank, the least important person in a group

eg: I just joined the company, so I am the low man on the totem pole.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole,
having crossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice.

= On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole,
after they had acrossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice.

After Jeff has eaten a large dinner, he's reay for dessert. (not good enough)
eg: Having eaten a large dinner, Jeff's now ready for dessert. (good)

Alice has read the novel. Now she's excited about watching the movie.
eg: Having read the novel, Alice is excited about watching the movie.

