2009年4月23日 星期四

20090423 -- Five False Food Facts (2)

Myth #3: Oily foods cause acne

Some people believe chocolate causes acne too, but no direct link exists between greasy or sugary foods and acne. Those annoying red spots appear when dead skin cells or any oil substance blocks pores. A poor diet, however, does affect one's general health, so replacing junk food with healthy food can help acne.

Myth #4: Fresh produce is more nutritious than frozen produce

Fresh fruit and vegetables are definitely tastier than frozen ones! But if they've traveled a long distance to get to your month, they have likely lost some nutrients along the way. Frozen produce may contain more nutrients but may also contain additional ingredients like salt and sugar. Your best bet for a healthy snack is locally produced, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Myth #5: Chewing gum stays in the stomach for years

The stomach, indeed, can't digest the stuff that makes gum chewy. But that doesn't mean gum stays in your gut for several years; rather, it simply leaves as waste. While swallowing gum isn't harmful, it's not healthy either, so don't swallow it too often.

acne n. 粉刺
-> skin disease
eg: Jared bought a special face soap to help get rid of his acne.

produce Un. 農產品(蔬果)
eg: This shop sells fresh produce, including carrots, garlic and bananas.
eg: The produce section (農產品區塊) is next to the meat section.

produce V. 生產
eg: The factory produces electronic goods (電子產品).

chewy adj. 耐嚼的
-> food needs a lot of chewing
chew v. 咀嚼
eg: The squid in the seafood soup is very chewy.
eg: The beef was overcooked and too chewy to swallow.
eg: This kind of chewy French bread is father's favorite.

gut Un. 腸
eg: After Billy got hit in the gut with a basebll, he couldn't play the rest of the game.
eg: It takes several hours for meat to digest in the gut.

gut Cn. 內臟
eg: Sarah cleaned the guts out of the turkey before roasting it.

gut n. 膽量/勇氣
eg: I'm so glad that Ricky had the guts to tell the truth.

pore n. 毛孔
-> sweat comes out our pore

greasy or sugary

//== Chat room ==//

farmer's market 農夫市場
the local food movement 當地食物運動
organic food 有機食物

pesticide 農藥
pesti 害蟲
-cide 謀殺

suicide 自殺
hemicide 殺人

//== Grammer on go ==//

Your best bet for a healthy snack is locally produced, fresh fruit and vegetables.
= The smartest thing for a healthy snack is locally produced, fresh fruit and vegetables.

your best bet
-> the smartest or wisest thing to do in a certain situation

bet n. -> the act of gambling

eg: Getting a flu shot is your best bet for avoiding the flu.
eg: If you're having trouble with your coworkers, your best bet would be to talk to your supervisor.

