2009年4月4日 星期六


When Allergies Attack

People sometimes mistake allergy symptoms for a cold or sinus infection. But symptoms from a cold or inflection only last a couple of weeks; allergy symptoms can last for months.

What you can do
If you have severe allergies, you may choose to see an allergy specialist. He or she can find out which allergens are causing your symptoms, so you can avoid them. The doctor can also give you medicine to relieve your symptoms.

At home
Machine wash and dry clothes and linens frequently. If you dry your clothes outside, avoid high pollen times like early morning and evening. Make sure everything is dry before putting it away. If it's not, mold may grow, making allergies worse.
Change the filter on your air conditioner every 90 days to reduce the spread of allergens around your house.

Out and about
Do your best to drive when traffic less congested. Keep windows clothes at all times.
If you ride a scooter, wear a mask. Also, avoiding being outside in the morning.

While your allergies may never completely go away, you can be more comfortable with a few lifestyle changes.

severe adj. 很嚴重的
-> very serious
eg: Josie was in a car accident yesterday. Thankfully, her injuries weren't severe.
eg: A severe blood infection (血液感染) almost killed her.
eg: He suffered from severe head injuries and was in a coma(昏迷).

severe adj. 險峻的/艱難的
eg: The severe weather conditions forced the tourists to stay in the hotel.

filter n. 過濾用的濾網
eg: You should clean the filter in the dryer after each use.
eg: The dust filter of this vacuum is replaceable.
eg: The fish tanks's water filter makes a lot of noise.

filter v. 過濾
eg: The lenses(鏡片) can filter out ultra-violet rays(紫外線).

congest v. 使充滿/阻塞
eg: Let's go out to eat after rush hour because the roads are too congested now.

congested adj. 阻塞的
eg: The freeways of Los Angeles are often congested during the rush hour.

congested adj. 充血的
eg: The X-ray showed that his lungs were congested.

You feel congested.
-> It means your head is full of stuff or your nose is full of stuff that make it difficult to breath.

I have congested nose
-> I have stuffy nose

scooter n.
eg: In this crowded city, parking a scooter is more convenient than parking a car.

allergic to something

food allergy
allergic to seefood

sinus infection 鼻竇感染
sinus -> part of body between your nose and your lung

mold n. 霉/黴菌

//== Chat room ==//
chronic adj. 慢性的
-> medical condition or illness lasts for a long time
-> chronic describes anything lasts for a long time

chronic money problem
chronic dieting
chronic allergy
chronic disease

-> have it repeatedly, it describes something keep coming back

recurring adj. 一再發生的/定期重複的
recurring infection
recurring illness 復發性的疾病
recurring dreams

terminal -> it means final
terminal illness 疾病末期
terminal cancer 末期的癌症
-> If somebody has terminal illness, it means they are approaching death.
-> We can say someone have terminal cancer
-> We can say someone is terminal patient
-> There is nothing that doctor can do to say them.

terminal station 車站終點站

//== More INFO ==//
A doctor once said that we don't wait until AFTER a car accident to put on our seat belt. We put in on BEFORE. In the same way, allergy sufferers shoudn't wait until after their allergy symptoms become unbearable before they take medication or seek treatment. They should start right before the allergy season begins. For most people, spring and autumn are the worst times for allergies.

