2010年10月7日 星期四

20101007 Take a Trip to Table Mountain (1)

Take a Trip to Table Mountain

Beauty and wonder are served on nature's largest table

Africa has long been known for its breathtaking scenery and spectacular wildlife. From wild jungles and vast deserts to Mount Kilimanjaro and Victoria Falls, Africa boasts immense beauty. Table Mountain is no exception. Located in South Africa, the continent's southernmost country, this landmark mountain beckons locals and tourists alike.

What you should see
Table Mountain gets its name from its unique table-like form. From the top of this three-kilometer-long plateau, one can enjoy spectacular views of Cape Town and the surrounding Atlantic Ocean waters.

While there, visitors can also admire the wide variety of plants and flowers that encircle the mountain. It is, after all, one of the richest areas for plants in the world. Approximately 1,470 plant species grow around the mountain and make their way up its slopes. That's more species than are found in the British Isles or New Zealand! But tourists should heed advice about visiting Table Mountain on a sunny day. Otherwise, its famous "tablecloth" - a dense fog that rolls over the mountain's sides - may obstruct the beautiful scenery.

plateau n. 高原
=> similar to mountain
eg: Tourists can enjoy the view of the whole island from the top of the plateau.
=> 觀光客可以在高原的頂上享受整個島嶼的風景

plateau n. 上升後的穩定階段/上升後的穩定階段水準
eg: Company sales remained at a plateau for a year, and then suddenly declined drastically.
=> 公司的業績上升後達到穩定水準,維持了一年水準就急遽的下降

heed v. 留心/聽從
=> listen to, consider
eg: Brenda heeds her mother's advice to keep herself away from the bad students at school.
=> Brenda謹守媽媽的教訓,和學校的壞孩子離遠一點
eg: Farmers heeded the warning about a severe snowstorm and kept their cattle inside.
=> 農夫們聽了有關嚴重暴風雪的警告把牲畜留在農舍裡面

ob- 反對
-struct 建造
obstruct v. 遮住/擋住
=> get in the way
eg: The new building obstructs our view of the park.
=> 這棟新建築物擋住了我們看公園的風景

obstruct v. 阻礙/妨礙
eg: He was charged with a crime because he obstructed the police investigation.
=> 他因為妨礙警方的調查而被控告

=> large

Mount Kilimanjaro 吉力馬扎羅山

Victoria Falls 維多利亞瀑布

//== Chat room ==//

waters n. (國家的)海域/領海
eg: Japanese waters 日本的領海

waters 某一條河/某一個湖/海洋中的水
eg: the surrounding Atlantic Ocean waters (文言帶有詩意的用法)
=> 大西洋中的海水

waters 瓶裝礦泉水
eg: Two waters, please. 兩瓶礦泉水

Still waters run deep. 靜水流深/人不可貌相

