2010年10月27日 星期三

20101027 See the World Couch by Couch (1)

See the World Couch by Couch

CouchSurfing offers more than just a free place to sleep

Last year, Clement Blain decided to leave France. He wanted to travel around Europe, but he said, "I didn't have so much money. When I discovered CouchSurfing ... that was wonderful. I realized that all over the world people are ready to meet, to host, to share. And the money issue wasn't a limit anymore." After five months and 12 countries, Blain continues to experience Europe one couch at a time.

CouchSurfing is an online hospitality network with almost 2 million members.

All you need is an empty couch in your home to host a "CouchSurfer." On the road, you can send a request to members after looking at their profiles. If someone accepts your request, you can stay with him or her for free. Instead of money, guests and hosts exchange hospitality, gifts, stories and cultures. Lia Sastra, a CouchSurfer in Indonesia, feels that through CouchSurfing: "You can meet and share your own stories and cultures through a link named trust."

hospitality n. 好客/款待
=> show kindness
eg: We were so touched by the hospitality of the townspeople.
=> 鎮民們的熱情款待深深的感動了我們
eg: The VIPs will be served in the designated hospitality area.
=> 貴賓們會在指定的接待區被招待

network n. 網絡/人際網絡
eg: The television network will expand next year to include Asia.
=> 這個電視連播網明年會拓展包括亞洲區
eg: Eric's network of business partners is crucial to his business.
=> Eric的生意夥伴的人脈網路對他的事業而言非常的重要
eg: The supermarket chain operates on an efficient distribution network.
=> 這家超商連鎖店靠著有效率的配貨網路來運作

profile n. 人的簡介/概述
=> a summary of a person's basic information
eg: Before meeting her client, Vivian studied his profile.
=> Vivian在和客戶見面前已經研究過他的簡介
eg: The author's profile was printed on the back cover of the book.
=> 作者簡介印在書體的封面上

CouchSurfing 交換宿舍

couch n. 長的沙發

host v. 以主人身分招待
=> to welcome guests into your home and treat them very well

request n. 請求

//== Chat room ==//

= couch 長的沙發

rocking chair 搖椅

recliner 單人斜躺式的椅子
= armchair
=> 這種椅子的特色為旁邊有拉桿(lever),一拉就有放腳的凳子(footrest)彈起來

lever 拉桿
footrest 放腳的凳子

upholstery 集合名詞 椅墊/椅靠

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

After five months and 12 countries, Blain continues to experience Europe one couch at a time.

one couch at a time
something at a time

eg: This project is helping the neighborhood one dog at a time.
eg: This lending program is making a difference in the world one businesswoman at a time.


at a time
=> one after another
eg: He ate his potato chips one chip at a time.



