2010年11月2日 星期二

20101102 A Unique Night's Stay (2)

A Unique Night's Stay

The Poseidon Undersea Resort
Nestled in a Fijian lagoon, the Poseidon Undersea Resort boasts the world's first seafloor suite 12 meters below the surface of the ocean. By day, people enjoy golf, tennis and water sports or learn to pilot a three-passenger Triton submarine to explore the pristine ocean depths.

The Magic Mountain Hotel
In the Huilo Huilo Private Natural Reserve in southern Chile stands the Magic Mountain Hotel, which is shaped like a volcano. But instead of lava, a waterfall cascades down its sides. Wood and stone decorate the cozy interior.

Nine comfortable rooms, all with modern amenities, are each named for a local species of bird. Hotel guests can enjoy rafting, hiking and horseback riding, or they can relax in a hot tub made out of the huge trunk of a tree and filled with hot water.

Sala Silvermine
The truly adventurous can spend the night in the world's deepest bedroom in the Sala Silvermine in Sala Vastmanland, Sweden. After a guided tour of the mine located 155 meters underground, you're left alone to enjoy the solitude with a basket of refeshments. In the morning, the guide returns with a delicious breakfast to enjoy before you return to ground level.

pristine adj. 原始狀態的/為受損的
=> in perfect condition
eg: Antarctica is considered one of the last truly pristine places on earth.
=> 南極洲被認為是地球上最後僅存的真正為受汙染之地之一
eg: The once pristine beach now sees thousands of tourists every day.
=> 這個曾經有原始風貌的海灘現在每天都有上千名的遊客
eg: This second-hand computer is nearly new and is in pristine condition.
=> 這台二手電腦幾乎好像全新好像沒人用過一樣

cascade v. 如瀑布般流下
=> fall quickly and in large amount
eg: The bell began to ring and coins cascaded from the slot machine.
=> 鈴聲開始想起,硬幣如同瀑布一樣從吃角子老虎機器中掉下來
eg: Tears cascaded down her cheeks when she discovered that her husband had been wounded in an accident.
=> 當她發現丈夫在意外中受傷時淚水決堤流下了雙頰

cascade n. 瀑布/如瀑布般下垂的東西
eg: a cascade of golden hair 瀑布般的金髮

solitude n. 獨處/孤單
=> being alone without any other people being around
eg: Jason didn't like the solitude of country life, so he decided to move back to the city.
=> Jason不喜歡住在鄉下的孤單,所以他決定搬回城市了
eg: The writer works with more efficiency when he works in solitude.
=> 這位作家獨自一個人工作時效率比較高
eg: After retiring, Nick had a hard time adjusting to so much solitude.
=> 退休後,Nick很難適應孤單的生活

lagoon n. 潟湖

lava n. 岩漿
= magma n. 岩漿
=> melting rock

cozy adj. 舒適的/愜意的
=> warm and comfortable

tub n. 浴缸

//== Chat room ==//

a hot tub made out of the huge trunk of a tree
=> trunk這邊是指樹幹
=> 一個由巨大樹幹打造的澡盆

trunk n. 樹幹
= tree trunk 樹幹

trunk n. (身體的)軀幹

trunk n. 象鼻

trunk n. 汽車行李箱(美國人的用字)
boot n. 汽車行李箱(英國人的用字)

trunk n. 大型木製或是鐵製的旅行箱
= chest
=> a large case that is used for storing clothes, photos or other personal things
eg: the boy locked himself in the trunk while playing hide and see
=> 小男孩玩躲迷藏的時候把自己鎖在行李箱裡

