2010年11月18日 星期四

20101118 Break Dancing (2)

Break Dancing

As B-boy spread throughout the 1970s and 1980s, its style changed. It became more athletic. At this time, the general public began to call it break dancing. Since dancers danced when a song took a break from worlds and played only music, the name fit. The focus of the dance grew to include more than just fancy footwork. Break dancers, also known as b-boys and b-girls, were now doing head-spins, back spins, hand spins and flips.

Break dancing today
Break dancing became less popular from the late 1980s and into the 1990s. It was still around but no longer in the spotlight. Today, however, break dancing is back and stronger than ever. The competitions take place all over the world. These modern-day dance battles no longer settle disputes. Instead, they are used to determine the most talented b-boy and b-girls. These dancers' skill and moves are more impressive than ever! People can now be seen breaking into break dancing all over the world.

athletic adj. 需要運動技巧的
=> relative to sport
eg: Figure skating has become more and more athletic over the last ten years.
=> 花式溜冰在過去十年內演變成越來越需要運動技巧

athletci adj. 體格健壯的/擅長於運動的
eg: Melody is an athletic girl. She's good at many sports.
=> Melody是一位很擅長運動的女生。她會很多種運動

determine v. 決定
=> decide
eg: Your health is determined by your lifestyle and your diet.
=> 你的健康是取決於你的生活方式和你的飲食

determine v. 下定決心
eg: When Nancy left her hometown, she was determined to return one day as a successful business person.
=> 當Nancy離開家鄉時,她決定將來一定要成為一位成功的生意人衣錦還鄉

break into something 晉升於某種領域/開始從事某事
=> suddently start doing it
eg: Entering beauty contests is one of the ways to break into show business.
=> 參加選美是晉升演藝圈的方法之一
eg: Samuel broke into the world of computer programming design whe he was only 12.
=> Samuel才十二歲就開始進入設計電腦程式的領域

fancy adj. 別緻的/花俏的/花式的
=> have very pleasing appearance

flip v. 翻轉
=> turn over in the air

in the spotlight
=> in the center of the attention

=> I don't like to have people's attention on me. (聽起來像是中文式的英文)
=> I don't like the limelight.
=> I don't like to be in the spotlight.

Today, however, break dancing is back
=> Today, however, break dancing is back in style, in popularity

//== More Information ==//

Power moves in Break Dancing.
1. The Windmill: a move where the dancer spins from his back to his chest while twirling his legs in the air.
2. Head-spins: the dancer spins on his head while lifting his hands in the air.
3. Flare: an incredibly difficult move borrowed from men's gymnastics.
4. Jackhammer: when a dancer balances on one hand while spinning and bouncing up and down.

//== Chat room ==//

impression n. 印象
impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的
=> 一般口語上的impressive是指很棒,很了不起。
=> 如果你看到一個精彩的表演,可以對表演者說impressive(了不起)
=> 也可以說I'm impressed(我覺得你很棒)
=> 如果表演得很差可以說I'm not impressed(我覺得不怎麼樣)

