2010年11月3日 星期三

20101103 Dance Is Going to the Dogs (1)

Dance Is Going to the Dogs

Who let the dogs out – onto the dance floor?

Dancing has a new twist. It's dancing with your dog! This new sport, which is called canine freestyle, features handlers and their dogs performing routines to music. This dancing craze got its start in Canada about 20 years ago. The idea quickly spread to England and then to the United States. Now canine freestyle is popular with dog lovers worldwide. The World Canine Freestyle Organization (WCFO) is one of several clubs that promotes this sport. It hosts international events where members meet and compete, and it also offers video competitions.

Everyone knows it takes two to tango. That typically holds true in canine freestyle. Both partners have to keep in step, and the human takes the lead as the team prepares to compete. Owners teach their dogs a number of various moves. Heeling spinning, weaving and jumping are some basic skills of the sport! Once mastered, moves are combined to create a one-of-a-kind routine. Putting together a qualifying performance takes patience, practice and a real pet-person partnership.

handler n. 訓練動物的訓練師
handle v. 操作/處理
eg: Police dog handlers must be highly qualified.
=> 警犬的訓練師必須是相當符合資格的人。

handler n. 操作員
eg: The airport baggage handler is checking one of the carousels for your lost suitcase.
=> 機場行李操作員正在檢查其中一個轉盤找尋您遺失的行李。

it takes two to tango 一個巴掌拍不響
=> 舞需要兩個人跳,也就是一個巴掌拍不響
tango 探戈舞
eg: Sean claimed that his classmate started the fight but it takes two to tango.
=> Sean聲稱是他的同學挑起爭執的,但是一個巴掌是拍不響的。
eg: Sally blamed Jessica for stealing her boyfriend but was quickly reminded that it takes two to tango.
=> Sally怪罪Jessica 搶走她的男朋友,但是有人馬上提醒她這種事是一個巴掌是拍不響的。

put together 把某些東西放在一起或組織在一起
eg: It takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to put together a musical.
=> 要形成一齣音樂劇需要極大的時間和努力。
eg: Putting together a great meal is one of Naomi's talents.
=> Naomi的才藝之一就是調配出好吃的一餐。

something is going to ...
=> something become less successful
=> 原本此句型的用法為某物越來越糟糕
=> 但是本課課文不是這個意思

Dance Is Going to the Dogs
=> Dogs are dancing.

Dancing has a twist
=> Dancing has something that you don't expect
=> There is a turn to the dancing

canine n. 犬/狗
=> dog

craze n. 一時的流行/一時的風尚
=> fad

it takes two to tango
=> 兩個人才能跳探戈舞

the heel of the foot
=> the bottom back of the foot

=> get down close to my feet

=> go between human's legs

=> unique

//== Chat room ==//

seeing eye dog 導盲犬
= guide dog
=> 協助視障人士的生活

hearing dog 導聾犬
=> 協助聽障人士的生活

service dog 服務犬
=> 服務範圍較廣,服務範圍包括了非導聾犬和非導盲犬的服務範圍
=> 大多是協助行動不便使用輪椅的殘障人士為主
=> 可以幫房主人開門、推拉輪椅、拾起掉落的物品、按開關、上街的時候幫忙背東西等等

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

That typically holds true in canine freestyle.
=> What was just said in the previous sentence applies in canine freestyle.

to hold true
=> applies

eg: Eighty years ago, this foundation was started to help children of immigrants; today, this still holds true in the foundation.
eg" The employees are expected to follow company rules throughout the day, but do the rules still hold true if employees work on weekends?

hold true
= hold good
eg: Although the witness is blind, his testimony on what he heard during the robbery still holds good in court.
eg: My father's promise to buy me a cell phone holds good as long as I get good grades in school.

