2010年11月28日 星期日

20101127 Today's Technology Trends(2)

Today's Technology Trends(2)

SC: What technological changes should we expect over the next little while?

EC: Basically, we are going to continue to see smaller, faster and more powerful devices. We are also moving toward more integrated technologies. In smart homes, for example, everything is integrated. You can open windows and doors or turn on lights and appliances remotely.

SC: What impact are mobile technologies having?

EC: Originally, cell phones just made phone calls. Next, they sent text messages and then came images and video calls. Now we’re seeing cell phones that make extensive use of extremely varied applications. Eventually, these applications should let us control the other integrated technologies in our lives, while we’re on the move.

SC: What challenges will need to be faced as technology moves forward?

EC: In most cases, the technology is ready, but the need is not great enough to justify the expense. The exception to this is in the area of surveillance. We also need to ensure dependable cell phone coverage as people move around, especially by plane or high-speed rail.

