2010年11月11日 星期四

20101111 Behind the Scenes with Sandra (2)

Behind the Scenes with Sandra

At home in Hollywood
Three years later with a few minor roles to her name, Bullock left New York for Los Angeles in hopes of findings success in Hollywood. She finally got her big break when she co-starred in 1994's action-packed thriller Speed. Soon after, Sandra Bullock became both a household name and sought-after actress. Movie-role offers poured in, and Bullock's celebrity soared.
Fans and critics alike praised bullock's versatility as an actress.

After a string of successful films including While You Were Sleeping. Miss Congeniality, Hope Floats and the award-winning Crash, Bullock received the opportunity of a lifetime. And she almost turned it down.

Bullock gets blindsided
Bullock was initially terrified of portraying Leigh Anne Tuohy, the woman whose true story is the basis of the highly acclaimed film The Blind Side. Bullock didn't know if she could do justice to the demanding role. Finally, after nearly a year of trying to persuade her, the film's director convinced Bullock to take the role. Bullock wowed both critics and fans with her performance and went on to win 2010's coveted Academy Award for Best Actress. And with that, Bullock's star shines more brightly than ever.

to one's name-belong to something 在自己名下/屬自己所有
=> those things belong to her
eg: The young pop star had several hit songs to her name.
=> 這位年輕的流行歌手有好幾首屬於她自己的暢銷歌曲
eg: The poor lady only has one coat to her name.
=> 這位可憐的老太太名下只剩下一件外套

vers- 轉向
versatility n. 多面性/多才多藝
=> easily able to change situations/roles/characters
eg: The musician's versatility shows in his ability to compose jazz, classical and even pop music.
=> 這位音樂家的多樣性呈現在創作爵士古典音樂甚至是流行音樂的能力中
eg: The versatility of the exhibition was highly praised by many visitors.
=> 這個展覽的多樣性被許多遊客大力稱讚

blindside 攻其不備/偷襲
=> surprise by something
something unexpected, or can't see, or not having any idea or experience of something.
eg: One of the robbers blindsided the security guard and wounded him in the process.
=> 搶匪支一偷襲了警衛並且在搶劫的過程中讓他受傷了
eg: The actor was blindsided by the reporter's personal question and didn't know how to respond.
=> 這位演員被記者出奇不意的私人問題給問倒了不知該如何回應

She finally got her big break
=> She finally got her big opportunity

household name 家喻戶曉的名字
=> a person who is very well-known

sought-after 搶手/受歡迎的/很吃香的

acclaim v. 歡呼/喝采
=> receive public approval and praise

coveted adj. 渴望得到的/夢寐以求的

//== Chat room ==//

She finally got her big break when she co-starred in 1994's action-packed thriller Speed. 大突破,幸運來臨。
=> 這裡的break有幸運的意思
=> 在1994年在捍衛戰士演出後,在事業上有很大的突破
break 闖入/非法侵入他人住宅
eg: break in 被闖空門/遭小偷。

make your big break 付出行動/試圖要闖出一片天。

break in 使合用
=> 新鞋子或是新褲子剛買來穿上很不舒服硬梆梆的
=> 但是經過一段時間的穿著就把這樣東西break in 讓他穿起來很舒服/柔順

//== More Information ==//

Sandra Bullock Fast Facts:
1. While filming 1996's Two if by Sea, Bullock discovered that she is allergic to horses.
2. Although American by birth, Bullock is also a German citizen and is fluent in German.
3. In the marketing of 2009's The Blind Side, Bullock became the only actress to date to have her name appear solely above the movie's title. No other actors names were included.

