2009年3月1日 星期日


adventurous adj. 愛冒險的
eg: As Mark is an adventurous guy, he will go anywhere and try anything.

docile adj. 溫馴的
eg: The docile animals let all the kids have them.
eg: Golden retrivers are mostly docile and gentle with childen.

surface v. 浮出水面
submerge v. 把...浸入水中,淹沒
dunk v. 把一個人的頭壓在水裡
dive v. 潛水、跳水

formation 形成物/構成物(常用複數型)
eg: As in the giant rock formation are amazing.
eg: cloud formations 雲層
eg: rock formations 岩層
eg: The geographer took pictures of the rock formations of this area for future study.

ruin n. 廢墟/遺蹟(常用複數型) v. 使毀壞
eg: We visited several Roman ruins during our trip to Italy.
eg: The soldier tried to find the survivors in the ruins of the bumped city.

