2009年3月9日 星期一


Gas Station
When you fill up at an American gas station, you do it yourself.

The gas gauge in your car reads almost empty, so it's time to stop for gas. You pull into the nearest gas station to fill up your car. And most likely, you'll have to do it yourself. Station attendants in just two states - Oregon and New Jersery will pump gas for you. In every other states, it's self-service.

For convenience, most stations now have "pay at the pump" service. You insert your credit card into the pump. If your card is accepted, the machine will tell you to begin pumping gas. When your tank is full, the pump will shut off. When you replace the pump handle, a readout on the machine will ask you if you want a receipt.
Press "Y" for yes or "N" for no. Some gas stations do not have pay at the pump service. And these stations, you must go inside and prepay. After you fill your tank, you can go inside and get your change or sign your credit card slip.

pump v.
eg: Mark pumped gas into his car.
eg: The new machine we bought can pump over 200 gallons of water per minute.
eg: The driver pumped enough gas to fill up his tank.

pump n.
eg: Kerry pulled her car up beside the gas pump.
eg: a gas pump 加油
eg: a bicycle pump 打氣桶

insert v.
eg: Please insert these advertisements into the newspapers.

readout n. 電腦列印出來或是顯示出來的訊息
eg: The readout on my dashboard is flashing which indicates that one of the doors isn't closed.

a microfilm reader
a credit reader 刷卡機

receipt n.收據
eg: George asked for a receipt after he bought some groceries.
eg: You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement(賠償金).

receive v.
eg: I receive a notice from the IRS(美國國稅局) last week.

gauge n. 容量/範圍
gas gauge 油表

attendant n. 服務員/接待員
flight attendant 空服員

Chat room
self-service n. -> You must help youself rather than getting help from the employee.
self-serve adj. 自助式
eg: That's a self-serve gas station. 自助式加油站

do-it-yourself 美國不說DIY(東方人才這樣說),而是說do-it-yourself
do-it-yourself society 凡事都得自己動手的社會

