2009年3月20日 星期五


Podcasting Power

Make a podcast
Like blogs, podcasts are an easy way to share your opinions, knowledge or interests with others. To make one, however, you'll need some equipment: a microphone you can hook up to a computer and audio software. Once you've made an MP3 file, find a podcasting website to host it, such as Podcast Alley or Podcast.com. Share your podcast's web address with friends, and they can subscribe to your podcast.

Why do podcast?
Like radio, podcasts are a form of audio media, and some podcasts are very similar to radio shows. But other types of podcasts have developed as well. Podcast can focus on almost any topic. The podcast Grammer Girl, written by Mignon Fogarty, provides answers to specific English writing questions. Language-learning podcasts have flourished, allowing one to learn almost any language imaginable. Other uses for podcasts include audio city tours and training classes. But the biggest reason, by far, to listen to podcast is convenience. Listen to exactly what you wish, whenever you want, wherever you go.

equipment Un. 裝備
eg: There is a lot of expensive equipment such as lights and cameras in that studio.
eg: The owner of the studio invested a lot of money in the recording equipment.
eg: We borrowed some camping equipment from our neighbor for a hiking trip.

hook up -> to connect something to a source of power
eg: Before you can watch this movie you need to hook up the DVD player to the TV.

flourish v. 盛行/生長茂盛
eg: Because Peter waters the flowers every day, they have really flourished.
eg: This project is a wonderful opportunity for our company to flourish.
eg: Impressionist art (印象派) flourished in the 19th century.
eg: This kind of flower flourishes in tropical regions.

imaginable adj. 可以想像得到的
imagine v.
imaginable常和最高級的形容詞和all, any, every, no 一起使用來加強語氣
eg: This store has shirts in every color imaginable!
eg: We tried every pharmancy imaginable but couldn't find the medicine we needed.(和every一起使用)
eg: She's the most suitable person imaginable for this job. (和最高級的形容詞一起使用)


//== Chat room ==//

subscribe v. 訂閱/同意/贊同 ( subscribe to )
subscription n. 訂閱

eg: I subscibe to newspaper
eg: I have one-year subscription to a newspaper

eg: I subscribe to Studio Classroom.
eg: I don't subscribe to that kind of behavior.

prescribe v. 醫生開藥/規定
prescription n. 藥方

eg: My doctor prescribed a new medicine for me.
eg: The law prescribes heavy penalty for this crime.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Language-learning podcasts have flourished, allowing one to learn almost any language imaginable.
= Language-learning podcasts have flourished and this allows one to learn almost any language imaginable.

eg: The company has expand its online network, allowing its customers a greater variety of services.
eg: The restaurant is now open 24 hours, allowing diners to get a bite to eat whenever they want to.

