2009年3月21日 星期六


Get a Good Night's Sleep

The secret to better health might be found in sleep

Did you get a good night's sleep last night? If you answered "No," you might be at risk for a number of problems.

A healthy heart

Studies show that if you sleep seven to nine hours a night, your heart stays healthier. While you're asleep, your blood pressure normally drops 10 to 20 percent,
giving your heart a rest. Less sleep may lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.

A healthy weight

Your ability to maintain a healthy wight is also affected by too little sleep. A lack of sleep prevents two hunger-related hormones in the body from working properly.

A healthy brain

A German study found that well-rested volunteers performed problem-solving tasks three times better than sleep-deprived volunteers.

Follow these tips for a better night's sleep:
Avoid caffeine after 2:00 p.m.
Establish a regular bedtime.
Make your bedroom as dark as possible at night.
Keep noise to a minimum.
Take a warm bath before bed.
Listen to calming music for 45 minutes before bed.
Keep your work and your computer out of your bedroom.

Starting tonight, why not sleep your way to a healthier you?

normally adv. -> unusually
eg: Larry normally goes to bed early, but he stayed up late last night to study.

affected pp. -> influence 影響
effect n. -> result of something
eg: Your final grade will be affected by how well you participated in class.
eg: Childern-self is strongly affected by their parents' relationship.
eg: The economy will be severly affected if the goverment decide to raise taxes.

properly adv. 適當地/得體地
proper adj.
eg: Dad took our car to the repair shop because it's not running properly.
eg: The computer system wasn't working properly so some of our data got lost.
eg: She went to a charm school(禮儀學校) to learn how to act properly.

minimum n. -> the least of possible, the least degree 最低限度/最小值
maximum n. 最大限度/最大值
eg: The minimum you can spend at that restaurant is $10.00.
eg: The minimum amount to open an account here is $100,000.
eg: Our goal is to reach maximum productivity.

hormone n. a special chemical that help keep your body work properly 赫爾蒙

deprived -> you don't have what you need. 被剝奪的

//== Grammer on the go ==//
... why not sleep your way to a healthier you?
(In today's article : The shorter way of saying the same thing)

why dont' you sleep your way to a healthier you? -> want to make a suggestion

why don't + subject + verb -> It's used when the subject includes the speaker
eg: Why don't we go watch a movie tonight?
eg: Why don't we schedule another appoinment?

Why not + verb -> It's used when you understood the subject
eg: Why not just order a pizza for dinner?
eg: Why not pay with your credit card?

//== Chat room ==//

bedtime -> It's time you go to bed. 就寢上床的時間
a bedtime 父母親在預備讓寶寶上床睡覺時間固定的程序(可能說故事或是說nursery rhyme)

nursery 育嬰房
nursery rhyme 童謠/兒歌
Mary had a little lamb
Ring around the Rosies

lullaby -> a type of nursery rhyme 搖籃曲
lull- 平息/使安靜
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder where your are?

