2009年3月13日 星期五



Life in the Clouds

The cloud computing revolution

It's 8:35 a.m. and you're already late for work. You scramble to get ready, skipping or abbreviating most of your morning routine. In your rush to get out the door, you leave your laptop parked on the kictch table. It is only when your boss request the latest expense report that you ever realize your mistake. Not to worry. One computer is as good as another. Like the clouds in the sky, your work is with you everywhere you go. With just a few taps on your boss's computer keyboard, the report pops up on her monitor. Welcome to the convenience of cloud computing.

Generally speaking, cloud computing refers to computer services that are delivered entirely over the Internet. If you've ever used a web-based e-mail account like Yahoo or Gmail, you've already dabbled in cloud-based computing. The ultimate goal of cloud computing is to provide all computer services over the Internet. Word processing, photo editing, calendars, music storage -everything is managered through a web browser. Software is a service, not a physical product, and the computer is little more than an access point, so any computer will do the job.

scramble v. -> move your hands or your feet very quickly to accomplish the task 爭先恐後/動作迅速/倉促行動
eg: Professor Ashton gave us so much homework that we had to scramble to get it all done in time for class.
eg: People scrambled to get into shelters when the tonado hit.
eg: Almost late for work, he scrambled to get into his clothes and raced to the office.

abbreviate v. -> make something shorter 縮短/縮寫
brev - 短
eg: I always abbreviate words when taking notes so I can write down the important points at meetings.
eg: We decided to abbreviate our meeting this afternoon in order to prepare for the banquet(宴會) tonight.
eg: "The United States of America" is abbreviated "U.S.A.".

dabble v. -> play around something 涉獵/涉足/涉水/玩水/嘗試
dabble in + topic 涉獵
eg: She first dabbled(涉獵) in politics when she ran for the local school board.
eg: He frist dabbled in politics when he was still in college.
eg: Although she dabbled(嘗試) in violin and cello, she focus on being a pianist.

ultimate adj. 最終的
eg: The ultimate purpose of our meeting was to decide whether or not to cut back on staff.

stressful adj.

make the bed

//=== Chat room ===//

generally speaking + 籠統的回答 -> for the most part
specifically speaking -> individual detail

in general <-> specific points

