2009年6月5日 星期五

20090605 -- Summer at the Movies (2)

Animation to enjoy
Animated films also look to be big this summer. Up, an animated comedy from Pixar, tells the story of a grumpy old man named Carl Fredricksen. He decideds to see the world by releasing thousands of balloons from his house. The house lifts off it foundation and Carl merrily guides his home on a journey around the world. Carl is happy all by himself but then discovers Russell, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer, will be along for the ride.

Manny, Sid and Diego all return for more adventures in Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. In this third film in the franchise, Scrat is still chasing his acorn with hilarious results. In G-Force, guinea pig commandos come together to stop an evil villain's plan for world domination. Vocal talents include Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz. Many non-animated comedies open this summer as well. Sandra Bullock plays a successful businesswoman in the romantic comedy The Proposal. In the film, she must find a husband on short notice or risk being deported.

foundation n. 建築物的地基
found v. 建立
eg: The old building will fall down if its foundation is not repaired.
eg: The foundation of the building needed to be reinforced after the earthquake.

foundation n. (一件事情的)基礎
eg: The foundation of a good marriage is mutual trust.

hilarious adj. 極可笑的
-> funny
eg: This book is hilarious! I never laughed so much in my life.

domination n. 控制權/統治權
dominate v. 統治/支配
-> rule over something
eg: Both Coke and Pepsi want domination of the soft drink market.
eg: The aliens were set on world domination.

domination n. 優勢
eg: Tiger Wood's domination(稱霸) in golf was once undisputed(無庸置疑).

deport v. 驅逐出境/放逐
de- 離開
-port 搬運
eg: Many countries deport people who are there illegally.
eg: Many illegal immigrants are deported every day.
eg: The country had the criminals deported.

acorn n. 橡實

commando n. 突擊隊員
-> small group of unit military people or troop

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Animated films also look to be big this summer.
= Animated films also promise to be big this summer.

look to be -> look like to be a certain way
= promise to be

eg: The company's new plan looks to be a disaster.
eg: This year's harvest looks to be the best in the years.

//== Chat room ==//

in a mood
in a good mood 心情好
in a bad mood 心情不好
in a grumpy mood 心情楚於愛發脾氣狀態

have a mood (X) 不能這樣使用
have a grumpy mood (X) 不能這樣使用

grumpy adj. 脾氣壞的,愛發脾氣的(不代表他是villain壞人)
villain n. 電影小說中的壞人

