2009年6月8日 星期一

20090608-- Small Changes Equal Big Results

Small Changes Equal Big Results
You can made positive changes in just a few minutes a day

We form bad habits without trying. But we can purposefully develop good habits in just 15 minutes a day.

Become a lifelong learner
Each month, choose one new subject to learn about. Spend 15 minutes a day reading about it on the Internet or in books and magazines. You may discover that 15 minutes isn't long enough to satisfy your interest. Before long, you'll be an expert on the subject!

Become neater
Has the clutter in your home become overwhelming? Do you have trouble finding something when you need it? Take 15 minutes each day to deal with one pile of papers on your desk. Or use that short time to put away your clothes or to clean out the
refrigerator. After just one month, you'll be amazed at the new order in your life!

Become healthier
You may think you have no time for exercise. But just 15 minutes a day of exercise can bring huge health benefits. You'll strengthen your heart, bones and mind, and you'll improve your attitude. Making positive changes is possible. Before you know it, your slow and steady changes will become lifelong habits!

purposefully adv. 有決心地/有明確目標地
purposely adv. 故意地
eg: Our teacher walked purposefully into the room and said he had
something exciting to tell us.
eg: She purposefully told her father that she wants to pursue a career in music.
eg: She purposely left her cell-phone at home so her boss wouldn't be
able to reach her.

clutter U. 凌亂/雜亂
eg: My closet is full of clutter.
eg: They took a whole day to clean up the clutter in the garage.

clutter v. 弄亂/堆滿
eg: His study room is cluttered with books and magazines.

deal with (phr v) 處理
eg: Mon told me to deal with the clothes on my floor before she gets home.

attitude n.
eg: People don't like to be with you when you have a bad attitude.

steady adj. 穩定的/平穩的
eg: Mandy is making steady progress on her research paper.
eg: The steady increase of our sales proves that our strategies are correct.
eg: The progress of his health condition has been slow just steady.

-> over the entire life

overwhelming adj. 勢不可擋的

//== Chat room ==//

paper (U) 紙(不可數名詞,如果要數paper必須用不同的字
a piece of paper
five sheets of paper
two scraps of paper

one pile of papers on your desk 本課課文的paper為可數名詞,表示桌上的一疊文件
papers 本課的課文指的是document
papers 論文/報告

paper (C) 報紙 (newspaper)
eg: She reads three papers every morning.

push paper 做瑣碎的工作
-> doing administrative often insignificant paper work
eg: Jack spend whole afternoon pusing paper for her boss.

