2009年6月18日 星期四

20090618 -- Exploring Egypt (2)

Exploring Egypt

Farther down the Nile sits Luxor, a town filled with ancient monuments. You can fill entire days seeing Karnak, the largest religious site in the world. Inside, in the Great Hypostyle Hall, you can find 134 stone columns covered in hieroglyphics. Across the river from Luxor lies the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of many pharaohs. The area became famous in 1922 when King Tut's tomb was discovered. Most of the treasures that were found insdie are on display in a musuem in Cairo.

Cairo and Giza
One can't leave Egypt without seeing the famous Pyramids of Giza. The pyramids, the tallest structure of their time, rise above the desert on the outskirts of Cairo. Each of the three large pyramids holds the tombs of an Egyptian king. Purchase tickets to go inside, and experience the marvelous construction of the pyramids. Two million huge stones, weight 2.5 tons each, were used just to build the largest one! These and even more ancient wonders await those who explore Egypt.

monument n. 紀念碑
eg: A monument in honor of the mayor was built in the town center.

column n. 圓形的柱子/圓柱狀的物體
eg: This column helps support the weight of the roof above it.
eg: The dome was supported by twelve columns.

column n.報紙雜誌上的專欄
eg: He writes a weekly political column for a local newspaper.

construct v. 興建
construction n. 興建
-> way that something is built
eg: The construction of this bridge is very modern.
eg: The construction of this auditorium(運動場) took over 5 years to complete.
eg: This museum was a peculiarly shaped construction.
eg: Our website is still under construction.

await v. 等待(較正式的用字)
= wait for
eg: A great story awaits those who choose to read this book.
eg: He's anxiously awaiting the result of his job interview.
eg: Many challenges await him when he takes over this branch office.

-> a place

hieroglyphic n. 象形文字
farther adv. 再往前地
outskirt 市郊/郊區

//== Chat room ==//

ancient style speaking

out-of-date 過時的/不流行的
-> no use any more

obsolete adj. 廢棄的/淘汰的

ancient <-> modern

up-to-date 現代的

//== Grammer on the go ==//

You can fill entire days seeing Karnak, the largest religious site in the world.

fill entire days seeing
-> spend a long time seeing

fill entire days doing something 一整天都...

eg: You can fill entire days shopping at the Turkish Bazaar.
eg: You can fill entire days touring all the famous attractions in Orlando, Florida.

