2009年11月21日 星期六

20091120 Seeing into the Future(1)

Seeing into the Future

What everyone should know about eye care

SC: How often should you see an eye doctor?

YMF: It depends on how old you are and if you are suffering from any eye problems. If your eyesight is getting worse, you should visit the doctor frequently. The same is true for people who are diabetic because there are risks associated with that disease. Even people who don't seem to be experiencing problems should get their eyes checked every year.

SC: Is it best to wear glasses, contact lenses or to get laser eye surgery?

YMF: It's really your choice. If you don't mind glasses, wear glasses. If you like to exercise or find glasses uncomfortable, use contact lenses. If you can't endure glasses or contact lenses, you can choose to have the surgery.

SC: How long can you safely wear contact lenses without removing them?

YMF: It depends on the health of your eyes. If you wear contacts for too long at one time, you will have dry itchy eyes. If you continue to wear your contacts longer than you should, over time they can potentially damage your eyes.

eyesight n. 視力/視野/視界
eg: Mary lost her eyesight at an early age but has adapted well to a world of darkness.

laser n. 雷射
eg: John bought a new laser printer because he wanted clear printouts.

associate v. 聯想/使聯合/使結合
eg: people often associate that company with quality service.

diabetes 糖尿病
diabetic adj. 糖尿病的
eg: Charles is diabetic, so he avoids sweets.

diabetic adj. 給糖尿病患者食用的
diabetic chocolate bar 適合糖尿病者的巧克力棒

associate v. 連在一起/有關聯的
associate with someone/something
eg: Most people associate this name brand with hip-hop singers.

associate v. 和某人打交道
eg: Bob often associates with high school dropouts, which makes his mother worry a lot.

lens n. 鏡片
=> 複數lenses
contact lens 隱形眼鏡
eg: Gina has been wearing contact lenses since junior high.
eg: Contact lenses are very pricy, so I decided to buy glasses instead.

ophthalmology n. 眼科學

//== Chat Room ==//

suffer from something 罹患某種(長期性的)疾病
=> suffer because of something
eg: Bobby is suffering from a heart disease

suffer something 經歷一次不好的(短暫的)事情
=> experience/undergo something
eg: After years of suffering from a heart disease, Bobby suffered a heart attack yesterday.

suffer 經歷(用於不愉快,不好的事情)
=> expereince
eg: suffer heavy losses 蒙受重大損失
eg: suffer defeated

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

The same is true for people who are diabetic because there are risks associated with that disease.

The same is true.

eg: Last year's students had to pay an extra fee for their afterschool programs; the same is true for this year's students.
eg: When making muffins, don't over stir the batter; the same is true when making pancakes.

