2009年11月30日 星期一

20091130 In Love With Coffee, Dating the Library (1)

In Love With Coffee, Dating the Library

My friends, I still miss you

With a cup of coffee and my laptop, I am sitting in the library - my new home. My friends believe I live in the library because I am here all the time. I am trying hard not to live up to the typical Asian stereotype - nerdy. But I still need to put a lot of effort into my studies because English is not my first language. Since my university has short semesters, my schedule is tight. Despite finishing midterms not too long ago - late October - my finals are quickly approaching - early December.

I feel close to going over the edge because of my schedule and all of the homework. And the cultural differences are also dragging me toward frustration and fatigue. I am suffering from depression. However, I also know I am learning and growing.
Thanksgiving was last week. So most students went home to celebrate with their families and friends - we had a four-day vacation. Where did I go? Nowhere. All I have are memories of friends and family back home. I miss them so much. I still remember all the fun times with my friends. Do they still remember me? I cannot forget our friendships. I am obsessed with my memories.

stereotype n. 刻板印象
eg: The most common stereotype of men is that they don't emotion.
eg: He doesn't fit the stereotype of an athlete. He's considerably studious and quiet.
eg: The film exposes the many ways that racial stereotypes can hurt people.

despite prep. 不管/儘管/任憑
eg: Despite training hard for the race, Hilary came in 3rd place.

over the edge 瀕臨精神崩潰
eg: The last work assignment Shelley was given put her over the edge. So she quit her job immediately.
eg: He went over the edge after his girlfriend broke up with him.
eg: I'm afraid he might be pushed over the edge when he finds out he's getting fired.

fatigue n. 疲勞/勞累
eg: Paul's first four weeks in the army were filled with pain and fatigue, so all he thought about was sleep.

obsess v. 使著迷/纏住
eg: Horrible childhood memories obsessed Debra for years.
eg: Ellen is obsessed with money. She doesn't care about anything else.

//== Chat Room ==//

hit home 擊中要害/觸擊痛處

=> 重音在前是"想家"
=> 重音在後是"在家生病"

hit bottom 跌到谷底
=> 廣義用在國家經濟或個人表現

hit the nail on the head 一針見血/說得中肯/打中要害

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

I feel close to going over the edge because of my schedule and all of the homework.
=> He feels like he is almost going over the edge because of his schedule and all of the homework.

feel close to + verb-ing
=> how an action or situation is almost happening

eg: Fred is close to solving the riddle.
eg: The research team is close to discovering a cure for the disease.
eg: Tina is not close to being done with her project.
eg: The secretary is not close to finishing his morning assignments.

