2009年11月24日 星期二

20091124 Holiday Movies (2)

Holiday Movies

Animated films
Tis Christmas, Disney rolls out a new animated princess film: The Princess and the Frog. This musical fairy tale marks a return to the same hand-drawn animated style as early Disney films. Set in New Orleans, the story follows a princess who kisses a frog and undergoes an amazing change.

In Fantastic Mr. Fox, the Fox family lives under a hill with Badger, Weasel and Rabbit and their families. Mr. Fox uses his wits to take food from three farmers. They then try to "outfox" Mr. Fox. George Clooney voices Mr. Fox.

Avatar is a futuristic science-fiction story. On a far-away planet, a reluctant hero takes on the challenge of saving civilizations. The film's state-of-the-art special effects will amaze audiences. In Planet 51, an American astronaut lands on Planet 51. He is shocked to find a happy community of little green aliens living there. What's even more shocking is that the aliens live in a manner very similar to American life in the 1950s.

fantastic n. 奇異的/古怪的
=> extremely good
eg: That new idea of Mr. Allen's is fantastic!

wits pl n. 機智;風趣
eg: The street child didn't have any education; he lived by his wits.

re- 向後的
reluctant adj. 不情願的/勉強的
=> not totally willing to do something
eg: The child was very reluctant to go to bed since the movie was not yet over.
eg: The reluctant helpers not only didn't help, but they also became a problem.
eg: The people in the town are reluctant to accept the new policy.

alien n. 外星人
eg: Some people believe that aliens live on other planets.
eg: E.T. is one of the most recognized movie aliens of all time.
eg: Many people claim that they've seen aliens.

alien adj. 外國的
eg: an alien culture 異國的文化

science-fiction adj. 科幻的
eg: The science-fiction novel was a best-seller last summer.
eg: Bob loves science-faction movies. He has a huge collection.

outfox v. 以計擊敗

//== Chat Room ==//

badger n.獾

badger v. 困擾/煩擾
badger someone 煩擾某人/困擾某人
=> bother/trouble someone repeatedly
=> often by telling them to do something
eg: Bobby's mother always badgers him about cleaning his room.
eg: She badgers her mother to allow her to go to the dance.

badger someone into verb+ing
eg: Jeff badgers me into helping him study his test.

badger someone + infinitive
eg: Allen badgers his father to take him to the zoo.

weasel n. 黃鼠狼/狡滑的人/奸刁的人

weasel out of doing something 狡猾地逃避做某事
=> avoid doing something you should do
=> escape from the duty
eg: Canie tries to weasel out doing the dishes.

monkey around 調皮搗蛋

ram n. 公羊
ram v. 撞擊
=> hit/push something

hog n. 豬
hog v. 霸佔
hog something 霸佔某物

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

The film's state-of-the-art special effects will amaze audiences.
=> The film has special effects that are at the movie industry's highest level and will amaze audiences.

state-of-the-art 最好的/利用最先進技術的
=> the highest level available

state-of-the-art sound system
state-of-the-art research laboratory
state-of-the-art security system

eg: Charles' small new laptop is an example of the state of the art in computer technology.
eg: Nowadays, the state of the art in wireless communication allows people to receive their email on their cell phones very quickly.

