2009年11月25日 星期三

20091125 Holiday Movies (3)

Holiday Movies

Alvin and the Chipmunks return in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel. This sequel to the 2007 holiday hit continues the story of the three chipmunks' musical career. It also introduces some new characters - the Chipettes.

Comedies and others
Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker star in Did You Hear About the Morgans? They play an estranged couple who witness a murder in New York City. They are then placed in a small Wyoming town as part of a witness protection program. They have a terrible time coping with their new surroundings as well as their renewed affection for each other.

Robert DeNiro stars as a widower who decides to go on a road trip in Everybody's Fine. He wants to try to rebuild his relationships with his grown children. Special effects drive 2012. This spectacle tells of worldwide cataclysmic events that suggest the end of the world. According to the ancient Mayan calendar, 2012 is the year civilization comes to an end.

Hollywood offers plenty to entertain you this holiday season. Go enjoy a movie at your local theater.

sequel n. 續集
eg: I didn't want this book to end. I hope the author writes a sequel.

witness v. 目擊/目睹
=> see it happen
eg: Jeff witnessed the accident and told the police what he saw.
eg: An old lady witnessed the grocery store robbery.
eg: He arrived home just in time to witness the bank repossessing his car.
=> 他回家時剛好看到銀行帶走他的車當作抵押品

witness n. 證人/目擊者
eg: According to the witnesses, the attack took place around midnight.

cope v. 應付/處理
cope with something
eg: Nancy can cope with losing her job, but I hope she finds another soon.
eg: Fanny has a hard time coping with her three kids and a new job.
eg: People here know how to cope with harsh weather(嚴寒的天氣) conditions.

spectacle n. 公開展示/場面/景象/眼鏡
=> a very impressive show/scene
eg: The opening ceremony of the World Games was quite a spectacle.

strange adj. 陌生的
estrange v. 使疏遠/使感情失和
eg: Time and distance gradually estranged the couple.

estranged adj. 疏離的/分開的
eg: Nathan bumped into his estranged(分居的) wife at the supermarket.

widow n. 寡婦
=> a woman who has lost her husband

widower n. 鰥夫
=> a man whose wife has died and he has not remarried

grown adj. 長大了的/成熟的

cataclysmic adj. 激變的/大變動的
=> very large/distructive/violent

//== Chat Room ==//

-ette 女性的
=> the suffix-ette refers to female

the Chipettes

Jeanette, Paulette, Claudette
=> the names are female because they include the suffix-ette

bachelorette n. 未婚女性
bachelor n. 單身男子

brunette n. 深色頭髮女性

-ette 小的
=> the suffix-ette refers to smaller

kitchenette 小廚房

novelette 中篇小說

cigar 雪茄
cigarette (小雪茄)香煙

towel 毛巾
towelette 紙巾
moist towelettes 濕紙巾

