2010年6月5日 星期六

20100605 The Perfect Cup of Coffee (2)

The Perfect Cup of Coffee

SC: Does it matter how beans are ground?
VT: It doesn't matter how beans are ground by hand or machine, but the coarseness of the granules does matter. Coarse granules are usually for French presses or drip coffees; finer ones are good for espresso machines. When you grind the beans is also important. Our shop grinds beans only when an order is placed. If you store ground beans, they won't stay fresh very long.

SC: What do you need to make your own great coffee at home?

VT: You need to have a good espresso machine and coffee grinder. You also need a stainless steel milk pitcher and a tamper to press down the coffee. I would also recommend getting a brush to clean the machine. Maintaining your machine will help it last a long time.

SC: Do you have anything you'd like to add?

VT: I drink coffee every day and I feel very passionate about it. There are so many things you can do with coffee and coffee flavors. It's not just coffee. It's an experience.

grind v. 碾碎/把...磨成粉
grine ground ground
eg: Coffee beans need to be roasted before they are ground.
=> 咖啡豆在研磨之前需要被烤過。

ground adj. 磨碎的/切碎的
eg: ground pepper 胡椒粒
eg: ground beef 牛絞肉

coarse adj. 粗糙的
coarseness n. 粗糙
=> not very smooth
eg: The coarseness of the fabric makes it really uncomfortable to wear.
=> 這個布料很粗糙穿起來很不舒服。

coarseness n. 態度或是言語的粗魯
eg: The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness.
=> 這個男孩因為很粗魯被同輩排擠。

recommend v. 建議/勸告
=> suggest
eg: The doctor recommended that Ceorge take a vacation to help ease his stress.
=> 醫生建議Ceorge需要一個假期幫助他紓解的壓力。

recommend v. 推薦
eg: Willia's former surpervisor recommended him for a new position.
=> Willia之前的主管推薦他一個新的職位。

granule n. 細粒
=> small piece of something

stainless steel 不鏽鋼
pitcher n. 水壺
=> a container hold the liquid

tamper n.

coffee grinder 咖啡研磨機

passionate adj. 熱情的
=> have a lot of feeling about it

//== Chat room ==//
How do you take your coffee? 你想要什麼樣的咖啡?
I'm a little tired. I'll take the regular black coffee.

black 不加糖的黑咖啡
with cream only 只要加奶精
with cream and sugar 加奶精和糖

= decaffeinated coffee 無(低)咖啡因咖啡

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

When you grind the beans is also important.
=> The time when you grind the beans is also important.

When you grind the beans...
= The time when you grind the beans

Where - Where we're going to spend the night will be arranged by the travel agent.
Why - Why he made such a decision was beyond everyone's understanding.
Who - Who Brent's going to marry is none of our business.
What - What we're going to do with the property will be discussed at the meeting.
How - How the prisoner was able to escape remains a mystery.

