2010年6月21日 星期一

20100619 Internet Addiction (2)

Internet Addiction

So what distinguishes an Internet addict from a casual surfer? One of several distinctions is that a person who has an Internet addiction usually becomes angry or depressed when denied access to the Internet. In contrast, a casual surfer can usually switch to offline activities without such angst. Although Internet addiction still isn't labeled as a disorder by the American Psychiatric
Association, many therapists are pressing the organization to do so. They hope that more addicts can receive professional treatment. Several Asian countries, on the other hand, have already labeled Internet addiction a serious health problem and have taken steps to address it.

China has required local gaming companies to penalize gamers who play online for more than three hours a day by cutting their points in half. And both China and Korea have created boot camps where addicts are denied Internet access for extended periods. In order to prevent an addiction from forming, all internet users should take steps to limit their online activity and instead invest in real-world activities and relationships. Any time that Internet activity begins to threaten grades, jobs or relationships, it's time to log off and pull the plug.

angst Un. 不安/憂慮/擔心
eg: The angst of waiting for the test results was so great that she left the hospital to walk off her worry.
=> 等待檢驗報告讓他太焦慮了,她就離開醫院去散步來紓解她的擔心。
eg: She tried to temper her angst by thinking positively.
=> 她試著用正面思考來紓解自己焦慮的情緒。

pen- 處罰
penalize v. 處以...懲罰
eg: The basketball player was penalized for pushing another player.
=> 這位籃球員因為推人而被懲罰。
eg: The new law will penalize businesses that treat minorities unfairly.
=> 新的法律將處罰對待少數不公平待遇的公司。

pull the plug 延伸出來的意思為"終止...計劃"
pull the plug on something
=> 原來的意思為把插頭拔起來
eg: The professor decided to pull the plug on his research project because of insufficient funds.
=> 由於資金不足,教授決定要終止他的研究計劃。
eg: Due to low ratings, the TV station pulled the plug on the program.
=> 由於收視率太差,電視台決定終止這個節目。

//== Chat room ==//

=> 原指衝浪,但在過去二十幾年,surfing有了新的定義
=> 在80年代,電視遙控器越來越普遍因此產生了channel surfing這個名詞,
=> 指的是使用遙控器不斷地變換chanel(電視頻道),搜尋好看的節目
=> 在90年代,網際網路越來越發達,因此產生了web surfing 這個名詞,
=> 在電腦網路上隨意搜尋資料,迅速瀏覽網站
=> chanel surfing和web surfing雖然都是正當的行為
=> 但這種surfing都是漫無目目的的轉換頻道,
=> 因此會讓人覺得懶惰無所是事的消耗時間的行為

channel surfing
=> quickly scan different TV channels in order to find something interesting to watch

web surfing

//== More Information ==//

Here are a few signs that your computer is takingcontrol of your life.
You neglect friends and family
You feel restless when you're not engaged in some online activity.
You're computer use is interfering with your job or school performance.
You feel guilty, ashamed, anxious or depressed as a result of your behavior.
You sleep patterns are changing.

