2010年6月18日 星期五

20100617 Co-Working (2)


The idea of sharing workspace is not new. Struggling artists and writers have shared workspaces for years. Most cities also have business centers that offer short-term office rentals to business people. Co-working is unique because the focus is on getting people involved in a community of workers. With this in mind, co-working groups often host social and professional development events. While community is an important part of co-working, there are other benefits too.

Offices are often open 24 hours a day, so members can set their own schedules. Co-working also allows members to use facilities -- like conference rooms -- that aren't available to people working from home. It is also very affordable. Sharing space and costs helps co-working groups save their members money. Co-working lets people stop working at a company office without losing the social interaction of the workplace. It gives independent workers the best of both worlds.

struggle v. 奮鬥/努力/掙扎
struggling adj. 奮鬥中的/掙扎苦撐的
=> try very hard to do something
=> put a lot of efforts into it because it is difficult
eg: Samantha is a struggling actress who also works as a part-time babysitter.
=> Samantha是奮鬥中的女演員,同時也在打工當保母
eg: Young struggling writers love to talk about their ideas at the cafe.
=> 奮鬥中的年輕作家很喜歡在這家咖啡店談論他們的想法

facility n. 設備/設施
=> a building and of its parts are available being used
=> things like room, meeting rooms even bathroom
=> 常用複數形
eg: The hospital's facilities are getting old and need to be rebuilt.
=> 這家醫院的建築已經成舊需要重建
eg: The resort is famous for its top-of-the-line sports facilities.
=> 這家度假中心因為擁有最高級的運動設施而聞名

aford v. 負擔/買得起
affordable adj. 買得起的/負擔得起的
=> inexpensive, you are able to buy it
eg: You can find really nice applicances with affordable prices here.
=> 你可以在這裡找到有好有便宜的家電
eg: We're looking for a house with an affordable price.
=> 我們在找我們負擔得起的房子

rental n. 出租
=> pay money to use it but not own it

schedule n. 計劃表/日程安排表

//== Chat room ==//

host v. 主持
host n. (廣播/電視的)節目主持人
=> a host's job is to host

engineer n. 工程師
engineer v. 設計/策劃

writer n. 作家
write v. 寫作

teacher n. 老師
teach v. 教學

driver n. 司機
drive v. 開車

reporter n. 記者
report v. 報導

police v.
eg: police a place 維持一個地方的治安/整頓一個地方

doctor v. 任意竄改/改變/對報告文件動手腳
=> fix, alter in order to deceive someone
eg: doctor the birthday on his the passport
eg: doctor the number in the accounting book
eg: He doctored the report. 他竄改了報告

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

It gives independent workers the best of both worlds.

the best of both worlds
=> enjoying or having the benefits from two seemingly(表面上/似乎是) opposite choices or situations

In today's sentence the two seeminly opposite worlds
=> one world would be the world of working independently but not have social interactions often seen in large companies
=> the other world would be the world of a large company where there are many interactions but perhaps less freedom to work indepently

eg: Leann works from home, this allows her to have the best of both worlds since she has bills to pay and a two-year old to take care of.
eg: Janice has signed up for a program that gives her the best of both worlds, she can work and travel at the same time.

