2010年6月10日 星期四

20100610 A Superman Celebration in Metropolis (1)

A Superman Celebration in Metropolis

A super celebration for a superhero

What's in a name? Well, when there's only one town in the United States named Metropolis, which also happens to be the "hometown" of Superman, there's a lot in a name. Superman, the ageless comic book superhero whose fame is larger than life, inspires imaginations worldwide. He has admirers of all ages who descend on the one and only Metropolis, lll., for their Annual Superman Celebration.

Gone super
Since 1979, every second weekend in June, fact and fiction meet in this small river town in America. Everyone is welcome, and thousands come.

There's no age limit on being a superhero and wearing the trademark blue, red and yellow outfit
with the letter "S" emblazoned on the chest. Since costumes are optional for the festivities, I come as myself, a mild-mannered Lois Lane reporter (Superman's newspaper colleague) to get the scoop on the festivities. I'm certainly in good hands here - no bad guys would dare set foot in Metropolis this weekend with all these superheroes milling about. A 15-foot bronze Superman, who stands watch over Market Street where all the action takes place, keeps watch as well.

be larger than life 超凡的/具有傳奇色彩
=> make you say wow, very impressive
eg: The actress played a female politician who was larger than life in the movie.
=> 在這部電影中這位女演員扮演具有傳奇色彩的一個女政治家。
eg: People love to talk about the larger-than-life story of how the man became a successful businessman.
=> 人們很愛談論這個人怎成為了一個成功的生意人的傳奇故事。

blazon v. 描述、繪製(紋章)
emblazon v. 用圖案/文字裝飾
=> written or printed in a very obvious way
eg: The castle's flags were emblazoned with the royal family's coat of arms.
=> 這個城堡的旗子上刺有皇家的徽章。
eg: The sales car was emblazoned with the product's logo.
=> 這部宣傳車上裝飾了產品的商標。

mill about 成群結隊漫無目的地遊走
= hang around
eg: Because the boat ride was cancelled, groups of tourists milled about in the streets of the little town while they waited.
=> 因為船次取消了,成群的觀光客一邊等一邊在這邊小鎮街上亂逛

ageless adj. 永遠的/永恆的

gone super
= become super

outfit v. 全套裝備

scoop n. 新聞的搶先報導/獨家新聞/最新內幕消息
=> the latest news, relevant information that you need to know for some reason
eg: What's the scoop on today's meeting?

mild-mannered 溫和 <=> hard temper
=> have gentle personality

I'm certainly in good hands here.
= I'm certainly safe here.

//== Chat room ==//

set foo in 地方 踏入某個地方
= go to a place

set foot in a library
set foot in a place
set foot in a bookstore
eg: I set foot in my new house for the first time.
eg: I set foot in New York City.

set foot on the road 踏上旅途/上路
eg: I set foot on the New York City's sidewalk.

set out to do something 開始著手做某事
eg: I set out to find a new job.

//== More Information ==//

A super Synopsis
Superman was born on the planet Krypton.
He arrived by rocket ship on Earth and was raised by the Kents, a childless farm couple in the fictional town of Smallville Kan Clark Kent then moved to the city of Metropolis to work at the Daily Planet newspaper as a reporter. There he met his trusty colleagues - reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen.

