2010年6月18日 星期五

20100616 Co-Working (1)


Finding the best of both worlds

Brad Neuberg really liked the freedom of being self-employed. But he missed the social interaction with others in an office. In the past, people like Neuberg often "got out" by working in coffee shops. But Neuberg wanted more. He wanted the established community of a company without having to work for one. To solve his problem, Neuberg started San Francisco's first co-working space, Spiral Muse, in 2005. The idea was to have a group of people share a workspace.

But unlike employees of a company, the co-workers would continue to work independently. They would share an office but run their own businesses and projects. The idea quickly took off. Today there are co-working groups all over the world. Co-working has proved suitable for people from a wide range of professions. Groups often include large numbers of computer programmers, writers and designers. But the trend has also attracted accountants, lawyers and people who run small businesses.

self- 自己
employ v. 雇用
self-employed adj. 自營的/個體經營的
eg: Susan is a self-employed physical therapist.
eg: Sometimes you pay fewer taxes if you're self-employed.
=> 如果你是自營商的身份,有時可以少付一些稅金。

inter- 彼此之間
action 行動
interaction n. 彼此之間的互動
eg: These ice-breaker activities are designed to increase the interaction between trainees.
=> 這些破冰船活動是被設計來增加學員之間的互動的。
eg: The teacher's interaction with parents is getting better.
=> 老師與家長的互動越來越好了。

employ v. 雇用
-ee 被如何如何的人
employee n. 受雇者/雇工/雇員
eg: The company has over 1000 employees.
=> 這家公司有超過1000名的員工。

employer n. 雇主/老闆
eg: Quincy's former employer wanted him to go back to work for him.
=> Quincy之前的老闆要他回去幫他工作。

//== Chat room ==//


co-worker 同事
=> co-workers simply work for one another in the same offices

colleague 同僚/同行
=> colleagues share the same profession

