2010年6月18日 星期五

20100618 Internet Addiction (1)

Internet Addiction

Spending too much time online? You might be addicted

For most people these days, going online requires little effort. But leaving the Internet can be another story. For some, the act of going online is addicting, and they find it hard to log off and return to everyday life. Ben Alexander realized he had a problem after he found himself playing the online game World of Warcraft more than 16 hours a day. Not long after flunking out of college, Alexander decided to check himself into reSTART, the first rehab center in America devoted to treating Internet addicts.

During his 45-day fast from the Internet, Alexander spent most of his time exercising and learning real-world skills such as cooking and camping. Online gamers, however, aren't the only people who can develop an Internet addiction. People who spend time gambling online, visiting social websites or even using online retail sites can all develop addicitions. The reason is because each of these online activities stimulates a part of the brain that releases dopamine. This chemical, which produces pleasant feelings, is linked not only to Internet addiction but also to other types of non-Internet addictions.

addict v. 使沈溺/使上癮
addiction n. 上癮/成癮
=> physical or mental dependence on something
eg: The once-famous singer was admitted to the hospital for her drug addiction.
=> 這位曾經走紅歌手因為藥物成癮而住院。
eg: His addiction to alcohol ruined his life.
=> 他的酒癮摧毀了他的生命。

fast n. 禁食時期(本課課文意思)
=> a period of time when a person gives up or avoid doing something that bring them pleasu
eg: The immigrants began a week-long fast to protest racial discrimination at their work places.
=> 這些移民開始為期一周的禁食來抗議來工作時所遭受到的種族歧視

fast v. 禁食
eg: Mark fasted for a whole week and eventually collapsed from hunger.
=> Mark整整禁食了一個星期,結果終於餓到昏倒了。

retail Un. 零售(不可數名詞)
retail store
eg: The retail price of this camera is around $400.
=> 這臺照相機的零售價是大约$400。
eg: The company owns over 15 retail outlets on the West coast.
=> 這家公司在西海岸擁有超過15個零售商店。

wholesale 批發
wholesale price 批發價

flunking out of college
=> force to leave college because his grades not good enough

rehab [rehabilitation] center 修復[修復]中心
=> a center that is dedicated to helping someone stop in an addiction

stimulate v. 刺激/激勵/使興奮/促使
=> cause part of the body to operate

dopamine n. 多巴胺

//== Chat room ==//

For most people these days, going online requires little effort.

a little 有一點
=> 帶有正面的含意

little 幾乎一點也沒有
=> 帶著負面的含意

eg: I have a little money.
=> 我有一點錢
eg: I have little money.
=> 我沒什麼錢,我的錢根本不夠,有等於沒有(相當負面的含意)

I have little money saved.
=> I barely have any money. I'm not happy with how much money I have.

I have a little moeny saved.
=> I'm happy with how much money I have .

little money and a little money could even be exactly the same amount of money. The difference is little have negative connotation(言外之意) and a little have much more postive connotation.

few和a few也是相同的用法
eg: A few friends came to see him.
=> 有幾位朋友來看他,他心裡很開心
eg: Few friends came to see him.
=> 簡直沒什麼朋友來看他,他很失望

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

But leaving the Internet can be another story.
=> Even it's easy for most people to go online, but leaving the Internet is not easy.
=> Even it's easy for most people to go online, but leaving the Internet is a different situation for some people.

another story
=> a different matter
=> a different subject

another story
=> use the phrase when you want people to know how two situations though they may seem similar are actually quite different.

eg: Sarah and Sally are identical twin sisters. Sarah is very organized and efficient in her work. Sally is another story.
eg: Going up the mountain in the late afternoon wasn't hard for me; coming down in the dark was a different story.

